STOCKTON ALERT: All Stockton campuses and instructional sites will resume normal operations Thursday, Feb. 13.
All locations remain closed Feb. 12, and shuttle service is suspended.
View for dining information.
Men's and Women's Basketball games scheduled for Feb. 12 have been postponed to Feb. 13.
In an emergency that requires immediate help from police, fire fighters or medical technicians, call 911.
Emergency Text Messaging System
Stockton’s Emergency Alerts text messaging system enables the University to send urgent text messages to subscribers’ cell phones in the event of an emergency.
To confirm or update your emergency contact information, log into goStockton and click on ‘Update My Account’ in the upper left-hand section of your screen.
Be Prepared - Emergency Resource Guide
Members of the Stockton University community should make themselves familiar with the information and procedures outlined in Be Prepared, Stockton's Emergency Resource Guide.