SEI Online
Teacher Professional Development
in Sheltered English Instruction
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Welcome …
The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has collaborated with educational professionals, school leaders and other stakeholders to create this dynamic suite of online learning resources to support the professional development of New Jersey educators.
About the SEI Online 15 Hour Course
This paradigm allows teachers and administrators to provide diverse groups of ELLs with access to classroom content while they acclimate to an English learning environment. The six learning threads of the FABRIC paradigm provide a structure that teachers can use to address the needs of ELLs. Each section contains research-based recommendations, a classroom example, and application questions. FABRIC can be utilized during sheltered instruction training, professional learning community meetings, pre-service teacher education, etc.
Meet the Instructors
Dr. Elizabeth “BJ” Franks was a district supervisor of Bilingual/ESL/World Languages for 13 years and prior to that was a Spanish bilingual/ESL teacher, grades K-12 in the Roselle Schools in Union County. As a supervisor, BJ worked collaboratively with Barbara and the staff at Harrison Elementary School to develop a model bilingual program from the NJ Department of Education. BJ also holds certification as a Learning Consultant. She has been an adjunct professor at NJ City University, Kean University and Rutgers University. She received her doctorate from Rutgers University.
Barbara Tedesco was principal of the Harrison Elementary School in Roselle which housed a model bilingual program, recognized by the NJ Department of Education. She was recognized as “Principal of the Year” by NJPSA/NJDOE in 2004. Prior to being a principal, Mrs. Tedesco served as district supervisor for bilingual/ESL/World Languages and Director of Curriculum and Instruction. She started her teaching career in Roselle as a Spanish FLES teacher (Foreign Language in the Elementary School) and went on to teach Spanish in the high school. She then taught ESL K-12. In addition, she taught ESL at Union County College-the Institute for Intensive English. Upon her initial retirement she was an instructor with the NJEXCEL program, working with aspiring administrators and coordinated this program in Northern Jersey.
In retirement they opened a consulting company LLAMAME, LLC (Language & Literacy Associates
for Multilingual and Multicultural Education) which specializes in all areas related
to English Language Learners. They also became WIDA certified trainers; however, most
recently, Barbara chose not to renew her certification.
In addition, both consultants are past-presidents of the state bilingual and ESL organization
(NJTESOL-NJBE); currently BJ serves as Advocacy Chair and Barbara is the Archivist.
They serve on the Bilingual Advisory Committee and have presented at state and national
conferences on a wide range of topics that impact the academic performance of English
Language Learners.
Course Developers
SRI&ETTC at Stockton University
The Southern Regional Institute (SRI) and Educational Technology Training Center (ETTC) provide professional development opportunities for preK-12 educators, technology coordinators, school administrators, and other professionals who offer support services to schools. The overall goal of the SRI are to improve student academic achievement, organization effectiveness, employee performance, and user satisfaction. The ETTC’s goal is to offer technology training and technology services to school districts to enhance the education available to students through the creative use of educational technologies in the classroom.
The Southern Regional Institute and ETTC Consortium includes school districts and other regional organizations in Atlantic, Camden, Cumberland, Cape May, Ocean and Burlington counties. The consortium represents approximately 90,000 PreK-12 students and more than 24,000 educators.