Stockton News - Friday, Feb. 15, 2019
Congressman Jeff Van Drew to Speak at Commencement
U.S. Representative Jeff Van Drew will be the keynote speaker at Stockton University’s Baccalaureate Commencement Ceremony at noon on May 10 at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City.
“We are honored that Congressman Van Drew has agreed to be our Commencement speaker this year,” Stockton President Harvey Kesselman said.
Foundation Welcomes New Members
The Stockton University Foundation has welcomed new members to its board. They are Hak J. Kim, John Gray, Joseph R. Jingoli, Jr., Vincent Papaccio and Harshavardhana “Harsha” Jayakar.
“The support of Stockton alumni and friends on the board has a significant financial impact on the lives of Stockton students,” said Johanna Johnson, Foundation Board chairwoman. “Our new members have demonstrated their commitment to their communities in many ways, and we welcome them and their passion to the Stockton community.”
PHOTO: From left, Stockton University President Harvey Kesselman, with new Foundation Board Members Hak J. Kim and John Gray, Stockton Chief Development Officer Daniel Nugent and Foundation Board Chairwoman Johanna Johnson.
Stockton Sweethearts: From Ospreys to Love Birds
When it comes to love stories, the where and how a couple meets can be the most interesting
parts. Stockton Sweethearts are Ospreys who found each other while students on campus
or after graduation out in the world. In recognition of Valentine’s Day, we recently
asked our graduates to share their Stockton love stories.
Catch a Movie Next Week
“AC Campus Movie Nights: Cinema in the City” is featuring Greenbook at 8 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 22, in the Stockton University Atlantic City residential classrooms B119/120. Attendees are asked to bring their Stockton IDs.
For more events happening at Stockton University Atlantic City, visit the online calendar.
Stockton Team Attends NASPA Conference through 2020 Funding
Seven Stockton University Violence Intervention Project (SUVIP) team members attended the 2019 NASPA Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Conference: A NASPA Strategies Conference, Jan. 16-19, in Washington, D.C.
A 2020 funding initiative made the conference possible. The funding will allow SUVIP team members to attend two additional conferences over the next two years that focus on best practices related to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking on college campuses and in our communities.
Attendees included Valerie Hayes, chief officer of Institutional Diversity & Equity; Laura Shaw, assistant director of Counseling Services; Amy Jones, director of Student Rights & Responsibilities; Cynthia Parker, lieutenant of Stockton University Police Department; Marcia Fiedler, assistant professor of Jewish Studies; Laurie Dutton, director of the Women's Gender & Sexuality Center; and Patricia Kelly, associate director of Residence Education.
“We attended the NASPA strategies conference with about 2,000 other administrators, faculty and staff from colleges around the country. We all participated in different workshops on subjects pertaining to prevention programming, policy and procedures, intervention services with our underserved populations, social justice, etc.,” Dutton said. “The conference also allowed the seven of us to get to know each other away from the college, which is very important for creating a seamless delivery of comprehensive and wrap around services for our victims of power-based personal violence.”
PHOTO: From left to right: Cynthia Parker, Patricia Kelly, Laura Shaw, Laurie Dutton, Amy Jones, Marcia Fiedler and Valerie Hayes at the 2019 NASPA Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Conference: A NASPA Strategies Conference in Washington, D.C.
Holocaust Center Hosts Anne Frank Exhibit
Stockton’s Sara & Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center is hosting its 36th Annual Holocaust Awareness Program through Friday, Feb. 22. This year's program is an exhibit, “Anne Frank: A History for Today” created by the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, Netherlands and sponsored in North America by the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect. It is funded by the Anne Frank Foundation in Basel, Switzerland, which provided a grant to cover the cost of the peer-to-peer docent training that teaches students how to guide the tours of this exhibit to others.
Friends of Hellenic Studies Get Submersed in Armenian Culture, Art
The Friends of Hellenic Studies (FHS) at Stockton sponsored a bus trip to visit the
New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art and Astoria, Queens on Jan. 12. Stockton students, faculty and staff attended the trip
along with members of the Holy Trinity, St. Barbara and St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox
communities. The trip’s focus was to visit the Armenia! exhibit, as well as attend
Greco-Roman, Cypriot and Jaharis Byzantine galleries. The group also enjoyed a traditional
Greek lunch and visited a Greek specialty food store.
“The exhibit Armenia! was ‘an eye-opening appraisal’ of the arts, manuscripts, textiles and religious artifacts of a nation. It was the largest exhibition of Armenian art outside of Armenia, 140 objects in all,” said Cathy Karathanasis, co-chair of the Friends of Hellenic Studies. “Exhibit highlights included illuminated manuscripts presented in low lighting to protect the writing and remarkable illustrations; reliquaries said to contain remnants of the True Cross and the remains of saints; elaborate cross stones called ‘khachkars;’ and a 12-foot painted map including nearly 800 sites of Armenian Christian worship. Secular items included gold jewelry dating to the 11th century.”
The trip was supported in part by Stockton’s Dean C. and Zoe S. Pappas Interdisciplinary Center for Hellenic Studies and the generosity of the Pappas Foundation.
(LOWER LEFT) Twitter: #StocktonTBT: So you think you know Fred. Test your knowledge of our campus lake and read the folklore that has been documented in the #StocktonStories series at
Facebook: #WildlifeWednesday: 2018 was the most productive year on record for New Jersey's osprey population. The Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ's annual report states that the 589 active osprey nests surveyed produced 932 young ospreys (up from 892 in 2017).
Murzello First Stockton Softball Player to Make National List
Stockton University junior Meg Murzellois one of 50 players on the 2019 Schutt Sports/National Fastpitch Coaches Association Division III National
Player of the Year watch list. The list is composed of 26 returning NFCA All-Americans
plus 24 players, including Murzello, who earned NFCA All-Region First Team recognition
last year. Murzello is the first Stockton softball player ever to be on the watch
list and one of seven from the New Jersey Athletic Conference this season.
Stockton Competes, Wins at Fastrack Meet
Stockton University competed in its last tune-up before the NJAC Championships, visiting the site of the upcoming conference meet, Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex, for the Fastrack National Invite on Feb. 8. The Ospreys' day was highlighted by two women's event wins and two men's third-place finishes.
Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays
Do you have students who are looking for financial aid assistance? The Office of Financial
Aid is hosting “FAFSA Fridays” from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. every Friday, Jan. 25-April 19,
in the F114 computer lab to assist students with the financial aid process. Encourage
your students to file their FAFSA applications by Stockton’s March 1 priority deadline
and NJFAMS applications for State aid by April 15.
Celebrate Black History Month at Stockton University! A number of events are taking place during the month of February.
Wednesday, Feb. 20 – Board of Trustees meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 26 – Transfer Admissions Day at Kramer Hall in Hammonton
Friday, March 8 – Rowing and Growing with the Ospreys
The University community is invited to attend the following open sessions to discuss the Institutional Strategic Plan:
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 4:30-5:30 p.m., in HSC-302
Friday, Feb. 22, 3-4 p.m., in the Board of Trustees Room
Monday, Feb. 25, 2:10-3:25 p.m., in Meeting Room 5 of the Campus Center
Thursday, Feb. 28, 4:30-5:30 p.m., in the TRLC
Friday, March 1, 12:45-1:45 p.m., in the Board of Trustees Room
(NEWLY ADDED) Monday, March 4, 3-4 p.m., ACA1-214 Stockton University Atlantic City
Tuesday, March 5, 3:30-4:30 p.m., in the Campus Center Event Room
If you have any questions, email