Community Collaborations
Eastern Service Workers Association (ESWA) is an all-volunteer, mutual aid association which provides the association through which devastating economic policy can be fought. ESWA also provides, entirely free to its members and community residents, a benefit program including emergency food, clothing, medical and dental care, legal education and information, and advocacy. Students serve and intern at ESWA.
South Jersey Horse Rescue’s mission is to provide a loving sanctuary to abandoned, neglected, abused and slaughter bound horses. Donate time and energy is one of the main ways that Stockton University students connect with this local nonprofit organization.
The Arc of Atlantic County has a long standing relationship with Service-Learning at Stockton. In addition to internships and direct service, SCCESL and The Arc, along with The Noyes Museum, hosts a Spring Fling each year.
Stockton University
101 Vera King Farris Drive
Galloway, NJ 08205-9441
(609) 652-1776
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