AIEA Thematic Forum (2019)

SIO/Faculty Partnership: Internationalizing the Campus through Faculty
An AIEA Thematic Forum
Stockton University in Atlantic City
March 21-22, 2019
Pre-Forum Inforamtion
Brief description of the Forum
Comprehensive internationalization has become a core mission of higher education institutions. This requires SIOs to take new roles to unite campus efforts to achieve institutional priorities of internationalization. Being an important impact factor across all six target areas of internationalization, faculty plays a critical role in succeeding and sustaining the dynamic system of internationalization. However, the important resource of faculty is usually underutilized on many campuses. Many SIOs struggle to deeply engaging faculty in their international or global learning efforts to comprehensively internationalize their campuses. They frequently engage faculty course by course and single faculty by faculty member. However, this approach can only have limited reach and impact and it is not sustainable over time. How to advocate the importance of internationalization to engage faculty as partners and to bring together the efforts from SIOs as well as faculty to achieve the institutional priorities is much needed for SIOs in their daily practices.
Key questions addressed in the forum:
How can SIOs bring faculty together in innovative and meaningful ways to further institutional priorities for internationalization?
How can SIOs create opportunities to engage faculty to unite the values and passions that many faculty hold, channel through deep disciplinary practice, and see themselves as partners?
How can SIOs recruit, organize, and support faculty at multiple levels (i.e., individual course, program, and institutional) and in multiple internationalization target areas (i.e., study abroad programs, international student success, and curriculum internationalization)?
Objectives of the Forum
At the end of this thematic forum, participants – SIOs and university leaders – will be able to:
Identify challenges and opportunities in engaging faculty in internationalization efforts
Share best practices in “faculty as partners” to promote international student success, study abroad programs, and curriculum internationalization
Develop innovative and sustainable approaches about SIO and faculty partnerships
Increase the advocacy role of SIOs in uniting efforts to achieve institutional priorities of internationalization
Tentative Schedule
Date: March 21-22, 2019
Location: Fannie Lou Hamer Event Room, Stockton University Atlantic City
Audience: Senior International Officers, university leaders, directors of international programs,
and faculty members
March 20, 2019 (Wednesday):
7pm: OPTIONAL dinner (Participants will pay for their own meals at this dinner.)
March 21, 2019 (Thursday):
8:00-9:00 am | Breakfast |
9:00-9:30 am |
Welcome remarks and introductions Dr. Lisa Honaker, Dean, School of Arts & Humanities, Professor of British Literature |
9:30-10:45 am |
Session I: Challenges and Opportunities in Engaging Faculty in Comprehensive Internationalization Panelists: Dr. Darla K. Deardorff, Executive Director, AIEA Dr. Robin Helms, Director of Center for Internationalization and Global Engagement, American Council on Education Dr. Tina Zappile, Associate Professor of Political Science, Stockton University (Faculty Partner) |
10:45-11:00 am | Coffee Break |
11:00 am - noon |
Session II: Framing the Conversation: Faculty and Comprehensive Internationalization Panelists: Dr. Sandra Crenshaw, Associate Provost, Arcadia University Dr. Carra Hood, Associate Provost, Stockton University Dr. Margaret Slusser, Dean and Associate Professor, School of Health Sciences, Stockton University (Faculty Partner) |
12:00-1:00 pm |
Lunch Special guest: Dr. Harvey Kesselman, President, Stockton University |
1:00-2:30 pm |
Session III: Dialogs on Engaging Faculty in Recruiting, Retaining, and Supporting International Students Panelists: Ms. Anu Gupta, Assistant Dean for International Academic Support, Rutgers University Dr. George T. Sipos, SIO, University of Missouri-St. Louis Dr. Lois Spitzer, Associate Professor of Education, Stockton University (Faculty Partner) |
2:30-2:45 pm | Coffee Break |
2:45-4:15 pm |
Session IV: Dialogs on Engaging Faculty in Curriculum Internationalization Panelists: Dr. JY Zhou, Internationalization Specialist, Stockton University Dr. Blase Scarnati, Director of Global Learning, Northern Arizona University Dr. Robert Barney, Associate Professor of Social Work, Faculty Fellow, Stockton University (Faculty Partner) |
6:00 pm | Dinner (On your own) |
March 22, 2019 (Friday):
8:00-9:00 am | Breakfast |
9:00-10:30 am |
Session V: Dialogs on Engaging Faculty in Education Abroad Programs Panelists: Dr. Emily Gorlewski, Associate Director, Study Abroad, Wesleyan University Ms. Kerry Stamp, Director of International Programs, Vassar College Dr. Janice Joseph, Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice, Stockton University (Faculty Partner) |
10:30-10:45 am | Coffee Break |
10:45 am - noon |
Session VI: Facilitated Roundtable Discussions (Session panelists will serve as facilitators at each roundtable) Table 1: International Student Success Table 2: Curriculum Internationalization Table 3: Education Abroad Programs |
12:00-1:30 pm | Lunch / Wrap-up / Forum Evaluation |
Dr. Carra Hood, Associate Provost for Strategic Planning, Academic Planning & Assessment / Tenured Assoc Prof of Writing, Stockton University
Dr. JY Zhou, Internationalization Specialist, Stockton University
Registration fee is $110/person. The Forum is free to Stockton faculty, staff, and students.
Registration fee will not be refunded after March 14, 2019.
We have researved rooms at the Tropicana Atlantic City for the Forum. It is just a couple of blocks from the Stockton AC Campus (15 mins walk).
Tropicana is also able to accept reservations for anyone who calls 1-800-247-8767 and refers to the HSAIEA Group Code.
Stockton University Atlantic City Campus Address
3711 Atlantic Ave.
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Main Phone: 609-761-1200
You may fly to the Philadelphia International Airport. It is about 65 miles to the Stockton University Atlantic City Campus.
You may also fly to the Atlantic City International Airport. It is about 12 miles to the Stockton AC Campus.
Post-Forum Resources
Session I National Picture of Faculty Engagement in Internationalization
Session II Institutional Practices
Session III International Students
AIEA invited me to do a quick reflecton on planning and organizing the AIEA Thematic Forum.