
Current Staff Senate Nominations

The nomination period is now open, from 2/17/2025-3/3/2025

Nominations must be accepted by 3/10/2025

Campaign Period: 3/11/2025-3/25/2025

Voting Period: 3/27/2025-4/3/2025

Installment to Staff Senate: 4/30/2025

The following positions are currently eligible for nominations:

3 Year Term


Must have either served at least one term as a senator or as an executive committee member 


  • Assume the position and duties of the President at such time as the President's seat is vacated (illness, vacation, other absence or incapacity) 
  • Become thoroughly knowledgeable of decisions of the President, so as to provide a smooth transition and continuity of duties 
  • May serve as a voting committee member unless serving as Acting President 
  • Serve as liaison between the Senate and the chairs of Committees 
  • Assume other duties as directed by the Senate. 
  • Attend all Executive Committee meetings 

3 Year Term  


Must have either served at least one term as a senator or as an executive committee member 


  • Archive minutes of Senate meetings 
  • Keep record of all Senate membership and terms of officers 
  • May serve as a voting committee member  
  • Provide support and research findings as needed for Senate Executive Committee functions 
  • Attend all Executive Committee meetings 

2 Year Term  


Must have either served at least one term as a senator or as an executive committee member 


  • Serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Committee. 
  • Attend all Executive Committee meetings 

3 Year Term

Current Vacancies/Up for Re-Election:

  • (3) - Student Affairs  
  • (3) - Academic Affairs  
  • (5) – Facilities & Operations  
  • (1) - Information Technology Services  
  • (1) – Administration & Finance  


Must have served in a paid employment capacity as a permanent staff member who is governed by a bargaining unit for a minimum of twelve (12) consecutive months leading up to the election. 


  • Abide by constitution and bylaws.  
  • To be available to the needs of university staff. 
  • Inform colleagues of open positions and activities. Act in a professional manner. 
  • Encourage participation in university shared governance. Attendance - expected to be present at each meeting.   

2 Year Term

One position open for each committee

  • Constitutional Bylaws Committee  
  • Technology Committee  
  • Diversity and Inclusion Committee  


Must meet staff senate membership criteria. 


  • Addressing issues as directed by the Executive Committee 

3 Year Term

Current Vacancies:

  • (4) - Constitutional By-Laws Committee
  • (2) - Elections Committee
  • (2) - Technology Committee
  • (4) - Diversity and Inclusion Committee


Must meet staff senate membership criteria. 


  • Adhere to the guidelines of the Senate constitution. Actively participate in committee meetings. 

If you are interested in running for one of the open positions, or know someone who would be a good fit, please complete the nomination form. You may submit as many nominations as you'd like.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Jamie Morgan, Elections Committe chair, or Monica Viani, Staff Senate president.