Scholarly and Professional Activity
Home / Assessment & Scholarship / Resources for Scholarship
Activity Time Period | Report Due Date |
- A reminder that citations are due will be sent to each school/department liaison prior to each quarterly due date.
- At that time, the liaison should begin to gather citations from all offices/centers within their area. It is recommended that all use the SAR power point, for easy to use instructions on formatting.
- The liaison should check all submissions for adherence to the eligibility criteria as well as accuracy in formatting to the University's Chicago Manual Style. (Categories included within the publication are clearly defined, with the exception of some items which may be subject to clarification and determination of eligibility. This will take place on a case-by-case basis.)
- All activity meeting the citation eligibility guidelines criteria, should then be compiled into one school/divisional document and submitted to Jacqueline Ruiz by the quarterly due date.
See below for a list of categories.
- Whole Book
- Edited Book
- Chapter
- Foreword
- Article
- Essay
- Website
- Review
- Poem
- Reports (to outside entity)
- Memoir
- Edited PWs
- Media
- Videos
- Art Exhibitions
- Documentaries
- Radio, TV, etc.
- Screening
- Photos
- Interviews
No Churches or internal Stockton events, i.e., Day of Scholarship
- Lectures
- Seminars
- Papers
- Session
- Panelist
- Keynote
- Facilitator
- Symposium
- Workshop Host
- Moderator
- Reading
- Panel
- Commissions
- Committee
- Reviewer
- Appointment
- Consultant
- Named Chair
- Elected
- Judge
- Fellowships
- Patents
- Who's Who?
No Webinars
- Conference
- Workshop Attendance (Off Campus)
- Citations are for INDIVIDUAL achievements, rather than office accomplishments.
- Externally Sponsored Grant Awards are not included in this publication. They will be published in a separate book at the end of the year. The ORSP will provide that information from their database.
- Accomplishments should be directly connected to Stockton University’s strategic themes.
- Management Staff/Full Time, Part Time and Adjunct Faculty activity should be submitted to the school/division liaison in the correct citation format, using Chicago Manual Style.
- Stockton in-house presentations/workshops are noteligible for entry in the book, unless the activity took place at an event hosted by an outside entity at a Stockton site.
- External activities, for external events, should be reported when the participant had a role beyond attending or performing their daily activities.
- Publications will not be accepted "in press" - please submit publications once they have been published, including page numbers, DOI, volume, edition, etc. according the the Chicago Style guidelines.
- Chicago Manual Style
- See the above "Categories" tab for submissions
- Easy to Use Instructions for Formatting Citations